
This website is used to create the topics and curies related to all Programming languges and Web Site developments.


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Saturday 7 May 2016

What is HTML and HTML 5?

What is HTML?

HTML stands for HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE which is the most widely used language on web to develop web pages.

Unlike scripting language that uses scripts to perform function, a markup language uses tags to identify content

Here is an example

<p> I’m a Paragraph</p>

Anything written in <..> is known as tag. In above example we used a paragraph tag <p> also known as open tag used to open the content of paragraph and </p> known as closed tag used to identify that the paragraph has been closed. More tags and example will be discussed in later blogs.


HTML 5 is updated version of HTML having new features. There are two new features in HTML 5 that were not present in HTML 4 or classic version.

·       Form:
The web form 2.0 specification allow for creation of more powerful forms and more completely user experience.
·       Integrated API:

Application Programming Interface

Friday 6 May 2016

How Web sites are designed or developed?

How Web sites are designed or developed?

The web Structure:

Today I will tell you my all blog readers that "How Web sites are designed or developed?" It consists of very simple as well as complex parts.

Basic Web Site development includes following parts or Structure or Languages

  • HTML : Used for basic stucture of Web Site
  • CSS: Used for Presentation of Web Site
  • JavaScript: Used for Behaviour of Web Site
Note: These are the three main components of a Web Site design, these three are running on client side.

There are another programing or scripting languages that are running on the server side these includes:

  • PHP or Similar: Backend
  • CMS: Content Management
There are more languages such as XML, CSS3, HTML 5 and Ruby on rails etc

We will discuss all the above languages and structures one by one in next blogs so keep visiting our blog regularly.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

How to Earn Money Through Social Accounts

Facebook, Twitter or Instagram all are social media websites. Thousands of people made account on their websites and post their photos and status each days but they never paid you of these posts. They generates a huge amount of your posts and status but they never offered you a little amount of it.

Today I tell you about a social website on which you post your photos and status and got revenue through it.

One thing to remember before opening to account on this social website mind that you only create original profile not fake profile because if you open fake profile than you will got nothing.

This web name is TSU. I will tell you how you can open your account on it.

How this Site works:

Post your photos status and ideas and by sharing you ideas more people view like and share your photos you will get more money but it should be your own ideas or photos.

How to Create profile on it.

Step 1: Open or Click Create Account.
You can copy and paste one of the above link if you copy first link you will need a member's short code i.e Nommi52 you can enter any other member code if you know any other person or simply create account by using second link.

Step 2: Fill the form
Please fill the original data if you want to earn from this website.

Step 3:Click your account detail and than click on setting.

Step 4: Go to privacy tab and click the tick box appearing after "Accept Tsu peer-to-peer payments"

Now post your photos status and ideas by sharing you ideas more people view like and share your photos you will get more money. You can check your payments by clicking bank detail.

You will give payment only to orignal post that made by you and sharing and writing about each your photos. You can withdraw your money when it becomes $100.

For any information regarding this site fell free to contact or simply comment below.

Saturday 3 October 2015

List of institutions not recognized by HEC 2015

HEC recently updated recognized and non recognized lists for degree awarding institutes 2015.

The degree awarding by following institutions are not recognized by the HEC. So please if you are studying in these institute or your relative take admission or taking admission to these institutes please inform them.



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